Saturday, August 27, 2011

New Things....

Hey All,
Just got a job at Nepo Productions.  Check us out for all your video services, anywhere in the world.  Also, just finished mixing my second studio album, fifth album altogether.  I'm very excited, my first record was very acoustic, and this album is more upbeat, hopeful, and has a lot of drums, bass, and guitar.  Its called "Intersections".  My first album was called "Brand New Road".  I'm trying to maintain a theme throughout my recording career.  The next project is a rock project that I'm very excited to begin.  It'll be a challenge.  But in the meantime, please go to Itunes and preview Intersections and let me know what you think, buy if you like it and let your friends know.  Also, I'm redesigning my website and its coming along well.  You know, if you're an independent musician, songwriter, and you need to promote yourself and have all that a major artist has in way of websites, networks, etc, it is truly something you can do yourself.  If I can do it, anyone can.  Just take the time to make what you do great and give attention to learning new things, like mixing, engineering, website design, etc.  These are all things you can do.  Believe in yourself. 

Nepo Productions Website
Steven Kristopher Website

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